Monday 11 March 2013

American Idol Top 5 Women --- Good Choice!!!

So it seems that America is a better judge than the current American Idol judges.  Don't get me wrong, I love the new set of judges.  It is the 1st time I always watch the show whenever I catch it on tv.  Previously I only watch the auditions part & only while Simon was still around.  What I'm talking about is ACTUALLY JUDGING.  What with Zoanette on the top 10 women, I don't know!

So now we have the top 5 women BASED ON AMERICA'S VOTES!  And we have gotten rid of the NOT SO GOOD SINGERS.  I'm glad Breanna & Aubrey are out.  The judges were all praises when Breanna sang "Bust Your Windows" when all I could think about was how pale it is compared to "Mercedes'" of Glee.  Also, her performance of "Flaws and All" was kinda annoying.  The never ending movement of her arms...what was that?  I cannot see what is FLAWLESS on that performance as how the JUDGES have commented!  And what about her looks?  They keep on saying she has the perfect look, what is so good about her looks?  She's not pretty at all.  And Aubrey, when she sang "Sweet Dreams" all I could think about was that that was the same version as that of Jessica Sanchez & it's so pale compared to the latter's.  And the JUDGES were ALL PRAISES!!!  I know she's pretty & all but what is it about admiring her (& Breanna's outfits) all the time?  They don't really stand out compared to some of the other contestants, besides, that is something ANYONE can fix.  So I guess the Americans are WISE VOTERS after all...OBAMA & all!!!

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